The bryoflora of Khosta' Taxus and Buxus forest (strictly protected area, a part of Caucasian State Reserve) is described. This is the only strictly protected area in coastal zone of Black Sea in Russia. 28 species of liverworts and 100 mosses were revealed. Among them are many species, which were never found in Russian Caucasus far from the Black Sea, e. g. Leptodon smithii, Eurhynchium flotovianum, Kindbergia praelonga, Plasteurhynchium striatulum, Pseudoscleropodium purum, Scorpiurium circinatum, Oxyrrhynchium schleicheri, O. pumilum, Rhynchostegiella teneriffae. An overview of vegetation is given, along with the circumscription of characteristic bryophyte groups of the most widespread habitat types.