numbers were reported for the genus Schistidium mostly before it was
critically revised by H.H. Blom, who strongly changes species-level taxonomy of
this genus. Old data on chromosome counts in Schistidium thus became
difficult to use. In the present study 106 specimens with chromosome counts
were revised. Among them we identified 13 species (S. apocarpum, S.
crassipilum, S. dupretii, S. elegantulum, S. flaccidum, S. helveticum, S.
lancifolium, S. papillosum, S. platyphyllum, S. pulchrum, S. robustum, S.
trichodon var. nutans, S. submuticum), thus providing for many
‘narrow’ species the chromosome counts (all based on meiosis) for the first
time. Most of them have n=13, while n=26 seems to be a characteristic of most
specimens of S. apocarpum s. str. and one of S. submuticum, but
other specimens of both these species have n=13 as well.