The genus Lindbergia
is subdivided into 3 groups basing on morphological and molecular
characters, and all these groups are represented in Russia. Lindbergia brachyptera is
excluded from the Russian moss flora, it likely occurs only in North America; Russian plants referred to it belong to a
closely related L. grandiretis. Specimens reported from the Russian Far
East as Lindbergia duthiei and L. japonica are re-identified as L.
sinensis. Mamillariella, a monospecific genus, is the closest
relative to L. sinensis and is transferred to Lindbergia. Lindbergia
dagestanica Ignatova & Ignatov sp. n. is described from the East Caucasus; this species is closely related to the
American L. mexicana and African L. patentifolia. Plants of the
latter group have never been reported from Eurasia