Vilnet, A.A., N.A. Konstantinova
& A.V. Troitsky. Molecular phylogeny and systematics of the suborder
Cephaloziineae with special attention to the family Cephaloziaceae s.l.
(Jungermanniales, Marchantiophyta)
Arctoa (2012) 21: 113-132
phylogenic analysis of the suborder Cephaloziineae is performed, with the
special attention to the family Cephaloziaceae s.l. and its implications for
taxonomy are discussed. A combined alignment of nuclear ITS1-2 and chloroplast trnL-F
DNA sequences of 121 species (209 samples) from the families Scapaniaceae,
Anastrophyllaceae, Cephaloziaceae s.l., Cephaloziellaceae, Adelanthaceae, and
Jamesoniellaceae are analyzed. The topologies of phylogenetic trees constructed
by maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods show the
principal congruence with previously achieved phylogenies, with exception of
ambiguous position of the Cephaloziellaceae. The genus Hygrobiella does
not reveal affinity to the Cephaloziaceae s.l., which supports its segregation
in the monotypic family Hygrobiellaceae. The Odontoschismataceae are resolved
sister to the Cephaloziaceae s.str., supporting their classification into two
families expedient also from morphological evidences. The former family
preliminarily includes, besides Odontoschisma and Cladopodiella,
the genera Iwatsukia and Alobiellopsis from the subfamily
Alobielloideae. The relationships of the subfamily Schiffnerioideae remain
uncertain. The genera Cephalozia, Odontoschisma and Cladopodiella
appear to be polyphyletic, but the existing section subdivisions for Cephalozia
and Odontoschisma are partly supported. The genus Nowellia is found
in the sister position to Cephalozia bicuspidata-complex and C.
macoinii. The rest of studied Cephalozia species compose an
intermingled clade with the monotypic genera Pleurocadula and Schofieldia.
Thus only species of the Cephalozia bicuspidata-complex and
C. macoinii are accepted in Cephalozia, whereas other Cephalozia
species and Schofieldia are transferred into the genus Pleurocadula.
Infraspecific nucleotide sequence variation suggests the species status for Cephalozia
affinis and Odontoschisma elongatum, whereas O. prostratum
and O. sphagni appear to be conspecific.