Koroleva, N.E. & E.A. Borovichev. Rare plant communities with abundance of Sauteria alpina (Nees) Nees in the arctic tundra of Svalbard

Arctoa (2014) 23: 5-10. doi: 10.15298/arctoa.23.02

Rare plant communities with dominance of Sauteria alpina in arctic tundra in Svalbard are described and compared with those in the late snow-beds in Scandinavian Mountains. Plant communities occur in similar habitats, have similar appearance, but differ in species composition, alpha diversity and syntaxonomy. Svalbard’ communities are related to the community type Saxifraga oppositifoliaSauteria alpina, meanwhile Scandinavian calciphytic late snow-bed ones belong to Sauteria alpinavar. of the association Distichio capillaceiSaxifragetum oppositifoliae ass. nov. Both syntaxa belong to the alliance SaxifragîRanunculion nivalis Nordh. 1943 em. Dierßen 1984.