Lapshina, E.D. & A.I. MaksimoV. Sphagnum tenellum (Sphagnaceae, Bryophyta) in West
(2014) 23: 70-79. doi: 10.15298/arctoa.23.08
The first finding
of Sphagnum tenellum, a species with a
well-defined oceanic distribution, on a ridge-hollow bog in the centre of the
taiga zone of Western Siberia is reported. Its distribution in Russia is
analyzed and re-assessed. The geobotanical
descriptions of plant communities with Sphagnum tenellum
from Western Siberia and South Siberian mountains are presented. It has
been shown that communities with Sphagnum tenellum
in montane mires in South Siberia are most
similar in composition and environmental conditions to finds from the highlands
of Scandinavia, while the new location of Sphagnum tenellum
in the taiga zone of Western Siberia is fully consistent with the ecologo-cenotic amplitude of the species in the north of
West European plains and North-West Russia.