Popova, N.N. & V.V. Teleganova. Bryoflora of the
Nature Reverse “Rovensky” (Belgorod Province, Southern European Russia)
Arctoa (2017) 26: 91–97
doi: 10.15298/arctoa.26.9
Bryoflora of the
Natural Park “Rovensky” is studied,
revealing 92 taxa (90 species and 2 varieties).
It constitutes 53% of bryoflora of
the Belgorod Province. The annotated
list provides data on species
distribution, habitats and sporophyte occurrence. Eight species from the
Natural Park are suggested for
conservation in the Belgorod Province.
The “Aidarsky” and “Lysaya gora”
sites are notable by species diversity, number of rare and
protected species; the “Nizhneserebryansky” site and springs
near Shirokon’ with neighboring territory are notable
by numerous rare species. The “Nagolensky”,
“Aidarsky” and “Lysaya gora” sits
are the most
representative areas of the steppe
Central Russian Belogor’e with the typical list
of calciphilous xeric mosses. The
territory near Shirokon’ is the
model site of aged oak
forest with complete set of
nemoral epiphytic species, which disappeared on the Central Chernozem’e.
The “Nizhneserebryansky” site has the
largest percent of species in
the area, mainly boreal, as far as
the meadow-bog-lake landscapes with pine forests and
psammophilous species are represented there, being rare
in the steppe
zone. The cited data demonstrate
the importance of thelandscapes of Natural Park
“Rovensky” and its role for
conservation the biodiversity of the southern forest-steppes.