
Popova, N.N. Bryoflora of the state memorial historical-art and natural Museum reserve of V.D. PolenovPolenovo” (Tula Province, Central Russia)

Arctoa (2018) 27: 54–59

doi: 10.15298/arctoa.27.6


The results of studies of bryoflora of the Museum-reservePolenovo” (Tula Province) are summarized. The list of mosses includes 97 species, which is 40% of the species composition of the province. The annotated list contains information about localities, sporophyte presence, abundance, habitats and substrates. Bryoflora ofPolenovowell represents the species diversity of natural oak and pine forest types. It includes five species from the Red Data Book and seven species recommended for permanent monitoring in the Province. They belong to nemoral epiphytes, boreal epigeic species and calciphilous petrophytes. Bryophyte materials confirm the high conservation value of the territory of the Museum-reserve.