Ignatov M.S.,
Ignatova E.A., Ivanova E.I., Ivanov O.V.,
Bysyin N.A. 2018. On
the distribution of Andreaeobryum in Russia
Arctoa (2018) 27: 112–118
doi: 10.15298/arctoa.27.11
Andreaeobryum macrosporum was considered as endemic to North America until 2015 when it was found in Yakutia. Only one locality was discovered in 2015, thus later we attempted to find out more details on its distribution, habitats and spore production. A focused search revealed a number of additional localities within two regions: in the Sette-Daban Range, within the area about 50 ´ 50 km, and in Ulakhan-Chistai Range, in the marble ridge, within the square 3 ´ 5 km. Only sufficiently wet and semi-exposed habitats are suitable for abundant sporophyte production, although the species may occur in drier areas, albeit it is usually overgrown by algae and lichens. The collections were gathered from 440 to 1400 m elev., but observations of adjacent distant slopes suggest its occurrence up to at least 1500–1600 m. In Ulakhan-Chistai Range, Andreaeobryum grows in virtually every stream running among cliffs, whereas in Sette-Daban its localities are few, and extensive search is required to find them. Both areas are sharply delimited, due to different bedrocks, namely quartzites and shists, in surrounding mountain ranges.