Fedosov, V.E., E.A. Ignatova,
V.A. Bakalin, A.V. Shkurko,
T.I. Varlygina, D.E. Koltysheva,
N.A. Kopylova. 2020. Bryophytes of Dickson area,
Arctoa (2020) 29: 210–215
doi: 10.15298/arctoa.29.14
Bryophyte flora of the Dickson
village area was studied during five field seasons. The list includes 90
species and 7 infraspecific taxa
of liverworts and 249 species and 2 varieties of mosses. This is the greatest
number among local floras published for Asian Arctic. It exceeds previously
published moss floras of the nearby areas by about hundred species. It is
partly caused by application of new species concepts, which appeared as a
result of revisions involving molecular phylogenetic
data. However, it also demonstrates strong under-exploration,
and, consequently, underestimation of bryophyte diversity and need in its
conservation. The present study shows that the number of species in local
floras does not decrease northward within the tundra zone. Moreover, bryophyte
flora of the arctic tundra biome houses the previously neglected or only
recently recognized taxonomic diversity. An annotated list of species is
provided, аlong with
comments on the problematic taxa and specimens.