Ignatova, E.A., I.V. Czernyadjeva, A.V. Fedorova & M.S. Ignatov. 2021.
A morphologocal
and molecular phylogengetic study of the genus Calliergon (Calliergonaceae,
Bryophyta) in Russia
Arctoa (2021) 30: 8–24
doi: 10.15298/arctoa.30.02
The genus Calliergon
is usually accepted in the Northern Hemisphere with only four widespread
species and 1–2 less well-known ones, but nevertheless practical identification
work often ends with specimens that are difficult to identify. This is
especially so in Asian Russia, where combinations of character states in many
plants do not always fit the classical treatments for Europe and North America. Especially problematic are dioicous plants with large alar
groups and a thin costa. Such morphotypes
prevail in some northern regions of Siberia. A
molecular phylogenetic tree based on ITS and rpl16 placed such plants in a grade with clades of C. giganteum s.str. and C. megalophyllum nested within. The differences
from C. giganteum and C. megalophyllum are moderately sharp and stable, thus we
suggest segregation the northern Siberian plants as a subspecies, C. giganteum subsp. sibiricum Ignatova
& Czernyadjeva. Calliergon
cordifolium populations from high Arctic are differentiated by nrITS,
and some of these plants have very broad leaves and fit the concept of C. orbicularicordatum, but other plants of the same haplotype are morphologically identical to Calliergon cordifolium
precluding acceptance of C. orbicularicordatum
at the species level. Far Eastern populations of Calliergon
cordifolium s.l. appeared
to be most sharply differentiated in both ITS, rpl16
and morphology by exceptionally well differentiated leaf borders. However,
taxonomic segregation seems unwise due to enormous variation in these