Ignatova, E.A., M.S. Ignatov, K.G. Klimova & V.A. Bakalin. 2021. Contribution to the moss flora of Ayan
(west coast of the Sea
of Okhotsk, the Russian
Far East)
Arctoa (2021) 30: 79–90
doi: 10.15298/arctoa.30.09
The exploration of the area near Ayan Settlement and adjacent part of Dzhugdzhur Range
on the Western coast of the Sea
of Okhotsk revealed 164
species and 1 variety of mosses; their annotated list is provided. The cold and
humid climate restricts the occurrence of the East Asian species that are more
numerous in a few hundred kilometers to the south, and xerophytic
plants that are characteristic to continental areas, at less than 300 km from
the seacoast. Species with the North Pacific distribution are well represented
in the area: Coscinodon yukonensis,
Trachycystis ussuriensis, Myuroclada maximowiczii, Echinophyllum sachalinense, Sciuro-hypnum uncinifolium, Bartramiopsis lescurii, Oligotrichum falcatum, O. parallelum, and Rhizomnium
nudum. The frequent occurrence of Aquilonium plicatulum, Brachythecium baicalense, Echinophyllum sachalinense,
and Dicranum majus,
and finding of Oedipodium griffithianum are other features of oceanic environment