Baisheva, E.Z. & I.N.
Urbanavichene. 2024. Bryophyte vegetation of Bashkiria, South Urals. V. On the bryophyte communities of the Southern Kraka Range
Arctoa (2024) 33:
doi: 10.15298/arctoa.33.02
In the Southern Kraka Range
(the Bashkir State Nature Reserve, South Ural region), the observation and
classification of some epiphytic, epixylic, and epilithic bryophyte communities were performed following
the Brown-Blanquet approach. The revealed communities
are represented by five associations and four rangless
communities belonging to 5 classes, 6 orders and 6 alliances. The relevés and localities of the communities of the
classes Racomitrietea heterostichi Neumayr 1971
and Ctenidietea mollusci von Hübschmann
ex Grgić 1980 are reported for the South Urals
for the first time.