Tubanova, D.Ya., O.D. Dugarova & O.I. Kuznetsova. 2024. Dicranum afoninae (Dicranaceae, Bryophyta), a new species with the flagelliform branchlets from Asia

Arctoa (2024) 33: 31–40

doi: 10.15298/arctoa.33.05


A morphological and molecular phylogenetic study of the genus Dicranum Hedw. from Asian Russia revealed a new species with flagelliform branchlets, Dicranum afoninae sp. nova. This species differs from other flagellate species of the genus in having smooth peristome teeth on the outer surface, acuminate and slightly recurved leaflets of the flagelliform branchlets, subquadrate to transverse-rectangular cells in upper part of the leaf, crispate leaves when dry, and capsules cylindric, pale, slightly ribbed when dry. A comparison of the new species with other flagellate species of the genus is provided. Dicranum afoninae is widespread in the Russia (south parts of East Siberia and Far East) and Mongolia. It grows on rock outcrops, on the bases of tree trunks, and on rotten wood. Key to identification of Dicranum species with flagelliform branchlets occurring in Russia is given.