Ignatova, E.A., A.V. Fedorova, O.I. Kuznetsova & M.S. Ignatov. 2024. Notes on the genus Weissia in Russia focused mainly on the species from Asian Russia

Arctoa (2024) 33: 50–60

doi: 10.15298/arctoa.33.07


A combined molecular phylogenetic and morphological approach was applied to the specimens of Weissia from the Russian Far East. Weissia controversa var. sachalinensis from Sakhalin and Kuril Islands was described as new for science. Specimens from Asian Russia previously identified as Weissia edentula were referred to W. newcomeri. Weissia planifolia was found to be frequent in the southern Russian Far East; its assignment to the genus Weissia was confirmed. Weissia rutilans and W. edentula are excluded from the moss flora of Russia.