Splachnaceae. Genus Tayloria

1.Rhizoidal gemmae abundant; leaves obovate, with triangular-acute apex; sporophytes unknown in Russia 1. T. serrata

Tayloria serrata occurs sporatically in Russia: at middle elevations and subalpine zones in the Caucasus and Urals; a single locality in Chukotka; and a 19th century, historical locality in the St.-Petersburg area. No collections with sporophytes are known from Russia.

Rhizoidal gemmae absent or solitary; leaves ovate-lanceolate or oblong, long-acuminate; sporophytes usually present 2

2.Leaves acute (at times broadly acute to rounded-acute); margins serrate; peristome teeth strongly hygroscopic, reflexed, appressed to urn or flexuose, hanging along urn when dry; spores less than 20 mm in diameter 3

<> Leaves broadly rounded; margins entire or bluntly denticulate; peristome teeth weakly hygroscopic, erect when dry; spores more than 20 mm in diameter 5

3.Leaves acuminate; dehiscent urns when dry with columellae not exserted from the urns4. T. acuminata

Tayloria acuminata is a rare, mostly mountainous species in Russia found in small populations from the Arctic Ocean islands to the Caucasus and Altai regions.

Leaves acute, at times shortly apiculate; dehiscent urns when dry with columellae exserted from the urns 4

4.Leaves sharply acute; peristome teeth united into 8 pairs of teeth, when dry reflexed and appressed to urn wall 2. T. tenuis

This species is sometimes considered a variety of Tayloria serrata that differs only in lacking clavate rhizoidal gemmae. However, Russian collections have either gemmae, or sporophytes, providing no problem with their separation. Therefore we accept them as two species until an evidence of their identity appears.

Leaves broadly to somewhat rounded-acute; peristome teeth divided into 32 linear teeth, when dry flexuose-torquate and loosely hanging along urn wall 3. T. splachnoides

5.Leaves erect to patent; setae 1–4 cm long; spores yellowish-gren 5. T. lingulata

Tayloria lingulata is occasionally rather common in the wet areas of the Arctic and high mountain regions. It differs from the other species with entire, rounded leaves (i.e., T. froelichiana and T. hornschuchii) in its larger plant size and rather soft leaf texture with leaves spreading when moist and contorted when dry.

Leaves erect to imbricate; setae to 1 cm long; spores brownish 6

6.Urns with columellae not exserted; opercula deciduous; peristome teeth acute6. T. froelichiana

Tayloria froelichina can be recognize by its small plant size; short setae; and acute peristome teeth. It occurs in the Arctic tundra region and high mountains of the Altai and Caucasus regions.

<> Urns with columellae exserted; opercula systylius; peristome teeth blunt7. T. hornschuchii

Tayloria hornschuchii is the rarest species of this genus in Russia. It occurs in the dry tundra regions of Chukotka, Vrangel Island and Verkhoyansk Range of Yakutia. Its mature capsules often have opercula that remain attached to a persistent columella. When the capsules are dry spores are discharged from the space between the operculum and urn. In contrast, when capsules are wet the opercula and urns expand and close the capsule in a way similar to its condition before dehiscence.