Bryaceae. Genus Anomobryum

1. Bulbils 15–30 per leaf axil; bulbil bodies vine-red or reddish-brown; bulbil primordia peg-like; primordia cells thin-walled, somewhat inflated; leaves acute, sometimes apiculate 1. A. nitidum

In Russia this mostly tropical/subtropical East Asian species occurs in southern Siberia (Altai Republic, Zabaikalsky Territory) and the Far East (Amurskaya Province, Kamchatsky and Primorsky Territories). The presence of bright-red, small, numerous axillary bulbils are heplful in separating A. nitidum from other species of the genus.

Bulbils 1–15 per leaf axil; bulbil bodies green, yellowish, reddish-brown or brown; bulbil primordia leaf-like; primordia cells firm-walled, not inflated; leaves acute or acuminate 2

2. Leaves acuminate; costae mostly excurrent; bulbils 7–15 per leaf axil, small when mature; primordia only on upper half of bulbil body 2.A. bavaricum

Until recently Anomobryum bavaricum was considered endemic to the European Alps. It has since been found in several Russian localities. In Transbaikalia it is a montane (50–870 m a.s.l.) species that grows on rock outcrops in river valleys with open larch and birch forests. In Primorsky Territory it was found on roadsides in forests and landslides on steep slopes in the Sikhote-Alin Mts. In Yakutia this species was found in the Verkhoyansky Range growing on open rocky slopes on rocks that have a high heavy metal content.

Leaves acute to bluntly acute, sometimes apiculate; costa percurrent or subpercurrent; bulbils 1–8 per leaf axil or absent, large when mature; primordia on upper and lower parts of bulbil body 3

3. Shoot tips obtuse; leaf apices bluntly or shortly acute; axillary bulbils absent, rarely few deciduous flagelliform shoots present; sporophytes frequent; peristome perfect [A. julaceum]

This species is not presently known from Russia; however, it is foundin nearby areas of China and so should occur in Russia.

Shoot tips ± cuspidate; leaf apices acute, occasionally apiculate; axillary bulbils present, deciduous flagelliform shoots absent; sporophytes unknown in Russia; [peristome reduced] 3.A. concinnatum

Anomobryum concinnatum is the most common species of the genus in Russia. It is known from the Caucasus, Siberia (where it is locally common) and Russian Far East (Chukotka to the southern borders of Russia). All records of this species from the Kola Peninsula are based on mis-determinations. It is mostly a middle elevation, montane (300–1500 m a.s.l.) species that occasionally is found at 2500 m a.s.l. in the Caucasus and Altai Mts. But, in Primorsky Territory it occurs at the sea level. Anomobryum concinnatum grows on soil banks along roads, river banks, and on fine soil at cliff ledges.