
MFR — Moss Flora of Russia project

Russian version The project is aimed to prepare the Moss Flora of Russia,
with descriptions and keys to identification, and also illustration of all species,
data on their habitats and distribution. 

Flora is mostly in Russian, but keys in English are given for all taxa, with key notes on each species.

Taxonomic treatments of genera in already printed volumes comprise these volumes (see below)

Preliminary taxonomic treatments for subsequent volumes are also available.
Please consider that they can be corrected and revised before the final publication

Moss flora of Russia. Volume 2: Oedipodiales – Grimmiales. 
 / M.S. Ignatov (Editor-in-Chief). Moscow: KMK Scientific Press Ltd. 2017. 560 pp. (Arctoa vol. 26, suppl. 1) 
Authors: M.S. Ignatov, E.A. Ignatova, V.E. Fedosov, E.I. Ivanova, H.H. Blom, J. Muñoz, H. Bednarek-Ochyra, 
O.M. Afonina, L.E. Kurbatova, I.V. Czernyadjeva, V.Ya. Cherdantseva 
The second volume of “Moss flora of Russia” includes 42 genera and 235 species from the families: 
Oedipodiaceae, Polytrichaceae, Tetraphidaceae, Buxbaumiaceae, Diphysciaceae, Funariaceae, 
Disceliaceae, Encalyptaceae, Timmiaceae, Catoscopiaceae, Timmiellaceae, Distichiaceae, 
Flexitrichaceae, Hymenolomataceae, Scouleriaceae, Drummondiaceae, Bryoxiphiaceae, 
 Pseudoditrichaceae, Seligeriaceae, Ptychomitriaceae, Saelaniaceae, Grimmiaceae.

Moss flora of Russia. Volume 4. Bartramiales – Aulacomniales. 
 / M.S. Ignatov (Editor-in-Chief). Moscow: KMK Scientific Press Ltd. 2018. 543 pp. (Arctoa vol. 27, supplement 1) 
Authors: M.S. Ignatov, E.A. Ignatova, V.E. Fedosov, V.I. Zolotov, T. Koponen, I.V. Czernyadjeva, 
G.Ya. Doroshina, D. Ya. Tubanova, N.E. Bell 
 The fourth volume of “Moss flora of Russia” includes 41 genera and 256 species from the families 
of the subclass Bryidae: Bartramiaceae, Hedwigiaceae, Orthotrichaceae, Splachnaceae, Meesiaceae, 
Bryaceae, Mielichhoferiaceae, Mniaceae, Orthodontiaceae, Aulacomniaceae.

Moss flora of Russia. Volume 5. Hypopterygiales – Hypnales (Plagiotheciaceae – Brachytheciaceae). 
/ M.S. Ignatov (Editor-in-Chief). Moscow: KMK Scientific Press Ltd. 2020. 599 pp. (Arctoa vol. 29, supplement 1) 
Authors: M.S. Ignatov, E.A. Ignatova, V.E. Fedosov, I.V. Czernyadjeva, O.M. Afonina, A.I. Maksimov, 
J. Kučera, T.V. Akatova, G.Ya. Doroshina 
 The fifth volume of “Moss flora of Russia” includes 76 genera and 259 species from 24 families 
of the subclass Bryidae: Hypopterygiaceae, Hookeriaceae, Plagiotheciaceae, Fabroniaceae, Habrodontaceae, 
Fontinalaceae, Pterigynandraceae, Cryphaeaceae, Leucodontaceae, Hypnaceae, Callicladiaceae, 
Taxiphyllaceae, Miyabeaceae, Anomodontaceae, Heterocladiellaceae, Neckeraceae, Lembophyllaceae, 
Climaciaceae, Antitrichiaceae, Hylocomiaceae, Pseudoleskeaceae, Myuriaceae, Meteoriaceae, 

Moss flora of Russia. Volume 6. Hypnales (Calliergonaceae – Amblystegiaceae). 
/ M.S. Ignatov (Editor-in-Chief). Moscow: KMK Scientific Press Ltd. 2022. 472 pp. (Arctoa vol. 31, supplement 1) 
Authors: M.S. Ignatov, E.A. Ignatova, V.E. Fedosov, O.M. Afonina, I.V. Czernyadjeva, L. Hedenäs, † V.Ya. Czerdantseva 
 The sixth volume of “Moss flora of Russia” includes 78 genera and 194 species from 12 families
of the subclass Bryidae, order Hypnales: Calliergonaceae, Scorpidiaceae, Entodontaceae,
Fontinalaceae, Pterigynandraceae, Cryphaeaceae, Leucodontaceae, Hypnaceae, Callicladiaceae, 
Pylaisiadelphaceae, Sematophyllaceae, Jocheniaceae, Stereodontaceae, Pylaisiaceae,
Rhytidiaceae, Pseudoleskeellaceae, Leskeaceae, Amblystegiaceae. 

The project was supported by the Russian Science Foundation, project 18-14-00121