Vol. 28 №2 issued on 30 December 2019AFONINA, O.M., S.G. KAZANOVSKY, O.YU. PISARENKO, A.V. FEDOROVA & E.A. IGNATOVAPseudotaxiphyllum subfalcatum (Plagiotheciaceae, Bryophyta) in Asia: one more species with An Arcto-Tertiary disjunction doi 10.15298/arctoa.28.11 abstract full text IGNATOVA, E.A., M.S. IGNATOV, A.V. FEDOROVA & J. KUČERA New Asian localities of Hymenostylium xerophilum and H. gracillimum doi 10.15298/Arctoa.28.12 abstract full text HEDENÄS, L., T.HEDDERSON, O.I. KUZNETSOVA , E.I. IVANOVA & M.S. IGNATOV Orthothecium lapponicum: a disjunctive Circum-Holarctic species doi 10.15298/Arctoa.28.13 abstract full text TUBANOVA, D.YA., T.I. KOROTEEVA & E.A. IGNATOVA On the sporophyte of Dicranum ignatovii (Dicranaceae, Bryophyta) doi 10.15298/Arctoa.28.14 abstract full text POLEVOVA, S.V., A.V. MOISEENKO, M.A. KOLESNIKOVA, D.A. ASHIKHMINA & M.S. IGNATOV An attempt to create air sacs in spores? On the unusual spore structure in moss Encalypta longicollis doi 10.15298/Arctoa.28.15 abstract full text Supplementary material: 3D reconstruction IGNATOVA, E.A., V.E. FEDOSOV, A.V. FEDOROVA, U.N. SPIRINA & M.S. IGNATOV On moss family Lembophyllaceae in the Russian Far East doi 10.15298/Arctoa.28.16 abstract full text KONSTANTINOVA, N.A., A.A. VILNET & E.D. LAPSHINA New records of Scapania sphaerifera H.Buch et Tuom. in Europe with description of global distribution and ecology of the species doi 10.15298/Arctoa.28.17 abstract full text SOFRONOVA, E.V. Liverworts of the mountain tundra belt of the North-East Yakutia doi 10.15298/Arctoa.28.18 abstract full text YADAV, S., C. BHAGAT & G. ASTHANA Two species of Fabronia new to India doi 10.15298/Arctoa.28.19 abstract full text IGNATOV, M.S., A.V. FEDOROVA & A.V. TROITSKY A new Brachythecium (Brachytheciaceae, Bryophyta) from the Russian Far E doi 10.15298/Arctoa.28.20 abstract full text IGNATOV, M.S., O.D. DUGAROVA, A.V. FEDOROVA & E.A. IGNATOVA Lazarenkoa, a new moss genus from the Russian Far East doi 10.15298/Arctoa.28.21 abstract full text NEW BRYOPHYTE RECORDS. 13 doi 10.15298/Arctoa.28.22 full text KUSNETSOVA, O.I. (ed.), E.A. IGNATOVA, V.E. FEDOSOV & M.S. IGNATOV Bryophyte molecular barcoding records. 1 doi 10.15298/Arctoa.28.23 abstract full text CZERNYADJEVA, I.V. & M.S. IGNATOV Recent bryological literature of East Europe and North Asia. XIII doi 10.15298/Arctoa.28.24 full text DOROSHINA, G.YA. Bryophyta Rossica et Civitatum Collimitanearum Exsiccata. Fasciculus XIII (№№ 526–550) doi 10.15298/Arctoa.28.25 full text |