Vol. 30 №2 issued on 23 December 2021EDITORIALRudolf M. Schuster (1921–2012) full text KONSTANTINOVA, N.A. Memories of Rudy Schuster doi 10.15298/arctoa.30.12 full text GRADSTEIN, S.R. On Schuster’s contribution to hepaticology doi 10.15298/arctoa.30.13 abstract full text KONRAT, M. VON, J.J. ENGEL, L. BRISCOE, Y. RODRIGUEZ, M. NIEZGODA, A. SASS-GYARMATI, T. PÓCS, D. PINHEIRO DA COSTA, D.H. WAGNER, M.A.M. RENNER, J.E.G. NOVOA, J. LARRAÍN, M. TABUA, H. RANFT, J. LEE, D. GLENNY, R. LONG, G.M. PITTS, N. EVANS, R. SALM & VOLUNTEERS OF THE COLLECTIONS CLUB The herbarium of Rudolf M. Schuster: unlocking over a half a century of botanical exploration doi 10.15298/arctoa.30.14 abstract full text POTEMKIN, A.D. & A.A. VILNET Reappraisal of Gymnocolea and description of a new genus Rudolgaea (Anastrophyllaceae, Marchantiophyta) doi 10.15298/arctoa.30.15 abstract full text KONSTANTINOVA, N.A., D.G. LONG, Y.S. MAMONTOV & A.A. VILNET Gymnomitrion schusteranum (Gymnomitriaceae), a new species from the Sino-Himalaya doi 10.15298/arctoa.30.16 abstract full text MAMONTOV, Y.S., A.A. VILNET & A. SCHÄFER-VERWIMP On the taxonomy of the subfamilies Pallavicinioideae and Podomitrioideae of the family Pallaviciniaceae (Marchantiophyta) doi 10.15298/arctoa.30.17 abstract full text ENGEL, J.J. Austral Hepaticae 52. A novel species of Pallavicinia S. Gray from New Zealand together with a new section doi 10.15298/arctoa.30.18 abstract full text CARGILL, D.C. Fossombronia pseudointestinalis (Fossombroniaceae, Marchantiophyta), a new species from southern Australia doi 10.15298/arctoa.30.19 abstract full text RENNER, M.A.M., P.J. DE LANGE & D.S. GLENNY A synopsis of Aotearoa/New Zealand Lejeunea (Lejeuneaceae: Jungermanniopsida) and new species in the Lejeunea epiphylla Colenso complex doi 10.15298/arctoa.30.20 abstract full text KIEBACHER, T. & E. URMI Cephaloziella aspericaulis Jørg. with sporophytes in Central Europe doi 10.15298/arctoa.30.21 abstract full text BAKALIN, V.A., K.G. KLIMOVA, V.S. NGUYEN, D.A. BAKALIN & S.S. CHOI Liverwort oil body diversity in Pacific Asia doi 10.15298/arctoa.30.22 abstract full text BERG, C., F.FERNANDEZ-MENDOZA, R. BROOKS, T. STADLOBER & M. PÖLTL Vegetative reproduction in the genus Riccia (subgenus Riccia) doi 10.15298/arctoa.30.23 abstract full text SÖDERSTRÖM, L. N.A. KONSTANTINOVA, A. HAGBORG, T. PRESTŘ, K. HASSEL & M. VON KONRAT Land of retreating glaciers – checklist of liverworts on Svalbard doi 10.15298/arctoa.30.24 abstract full text KONSTANTINOVA, N.A. Contribution to the liverwort flora of Alaska doi 10.15298/arctoa.30.25 abstract full text BUM, H.M., V.A. BAKALIN, S.J. PARK, S.S. CHOI, C.H. KIM & S. SO Liverwort Flora of the Jirisan National Park in Korea doi 10.15298/arctoa.30.26 abstract full text FEDOSOV, V.E., E.A. IGNATOVA, A.V. FEDEROVA & J. KUČERA Microamblystegium – a new genus of Amblystegiaceae from Shikotan Island (South Kurils, Russian Far East) doi 10.15298/arctoa.30.27 abstract full text KUČERA, J. E.A. IGNATOVA, M.S. IGNATOV, A.V. FEDEROVA, O.I. KUZNETSOVA & V.E.FEDOSOV Rauiella thuidioides, sp. nov. (Leskeaceae, Bryophyta), a new species from the Russian Far East doi 10.15298/arctoa.30.28 abstract full text IGNATOV, M.S., T.V. VORONKOVA, A.S. KARTASHEVA & U.N. SPIRINA On the branch primordia in Neckera and related genera (Bryophyta) doi 10.15298/arctoa.30.29 abstract full text IGNATOV, M.S., E.A. IGNATOVA, O.L. MAKAROVA & M.B. POTAPOV Schistostega “pollinators” and their attraction doi 10.15298/arctoa.30.30 abstract full text KUZNETSOVA, O.I. (ed.), V.E. FEDOSOV, A.V. FEDOROVA, E.D. LAPSHINA & M.S. IGNATOV Bryophyte molecular barcoding records. 5 doi 10.15298/arctoa.30.31 abstract full text NEW BRYOPHYTE RECORDS. 17 doi 10.15298/arctoa.30.32 full text |