C. minutifolium
rare and poorly known species described from Yakutia and later
synonymyzed with C. latifolium because
both have suborbicular leaves with unistratose margins and a
dioicous sexual condition. However, molecular evidence (K. Hassel,
pers. comm.) indicates that C. minutifolium is
closer to Rhizomnium
than Cinclidium. Leaves of C. minutifolium have
plane margins and are spreading when wet, while in C. latifolium they have
widely recurved margins and are arcuate-recurved when wet. Leaf size
in C. minutifolium
is quite variable: 1.4–4.0 mm long. The species is sporadically
distributed in northern regions of Asian Russia and NE European
— Costae
percurrent, confluent with the marginal border 2
2. Leaves
convex, strongly reflexed to arcuate-recurved when moist; leaf
margins widely recurved 3. C. latifolium
latifolium is most
common in the Arctic regions of Asian Russia. Among species of
it is the most consistently found in the Arctic zone; however, its
southernmost locality is in Kamchatka. The combination of dioicous
sexual condition and reflexed to squarrose leaves is helpful in
separating this species from other Cinclidium
species. It grows on
soil in moist habitats.
— Leaves
± plane, not strongly reflexed when moist; leaf margins narrowly
recurved or plane 3
3. Leaves
ovate, narrowly elliptic, or ovate-lanceolate; leaf apices
acuminate or acute; median leaf cells short-elongate or ±
isodiametric, not arranged in clear oblique rows; plants dioicous
2. C. arcticum
contrast to other species of the genus, C. arcticum often grows
on cliffs, although in the very severe conditions of the Siberian
Arctic it occurs on tundras as well. This species differs from other
species in having more gradually acute leaves.
— Leaves
ovate, broadly elliptic, spatulate, obovate, or ± orbicular; leaf
apices obtuse or rounded, apiculate or cuspidate; median leaf cells
elongate, arranged in clear oblique rows; plants synoicous 4
4. Leaf
apices sharply apiculate or cuspidate, cells of apiculi elongate;
leaf margins unistratose, narrowly recurved; capsules ovate-elliptic
4. C. stygium
most widespread species of the genus is a characteristic component
of rich fens and otherwise calcium-rich mires. It is especially
common in the northern taiga and forest-tundra zones with relict
localities in more southern regions (reaching Moscow Province in
European Russia and the Altai in Asian Russia). Cinclidium
stygium is extremely
polymorphous, and this causes difficulties in separating it from C. latifolium and C. arcticum. But, C. stygium differs
fundamentally from them in having synoicous rather than dioicous (in
C. latifolium
and C. arcticum)
— Leaf
apices usually bluntly apiculate, cells of apiculi short; leaf
margins 2- or 3-stratose, plane; capsules subglobose 5. C. subrotundum
Russia this species occurs mainly in the Arctic zone; in Asian
Russia it extends southward to the northern taiga zone within
permafrost areas as well as regions with oceanic climates, e.g.,
Kamchatka and the Commander Islands. It grows in minerotrophic
mires, moist tundras, and occasionally in forsted mires, especially
along streams. The combination of orbicular leaves and multistratose
marginal leaf borders is unique in the genus and definitive in
identifying the species.